There are still some dental matters to be finalized, and many, many goodbyes to say. More on that later, but first I want to thank the people who have signed up here...when I think of how homesick I am going to be those first few months, your presence here, and hopefully on SKYPE, too, will be more important than even I can yet imagine! And thank you for your comments, both here and the encouraging emails I have received. I am so sincerely and deeply grateful to have you along for this ride.
Slick Rock, Three Rivers, CA (Foothills of the Sierra Nevada) |
OK, so here's the plan. As I said, I want to keep my itinerary flexible, so in case something comes up that is irresistible, I can say yes! without a great deal of troublesome alterations. I will fly into Panama City first, and spend a couple of nights at a hostel there that I found on Expedia. Nothing fancy (this trip is not a vacation from work so I don't expect anything to be fancy!), and from there I will travel to David, a larger city near the mountainous region of Panama. I have read of a volunteer project in the forest there that I may want to check out. That would give me an opportunity to meet some people and make contacts. In whatever I do, I will try to avoid "being in a hurry"....isn't that the Latin way? Manana! This part of Panama is near the southern end of Costa Rica, so I will then travel there. I hear that the buses are usually very modern and comfortable and everyone uses them. And I'm told that Costa Rica is THE place for American Expats...we'll see!
Stay tuned!
"Chamisa" |